The Fifth Game is a Charm
1. Sugar Bowl, ND v. LSU. 1-3-07 2. BCS Championship, ND v. Alabama 1-7-13 3. Cotton Bowl/CFP Semi, ND v. Clemson 12-29-18 4. ND at Georgia, 9-21-2019 5. Clemson at…
Are the Irish Half Full or Half Empty?
Yeah, yeah I know you “play to win the game” and “a win is a win”, blah blah blah…..any number of clichés could be inserted here. But let’s skip it…
A Fighting Irish Preview Poem: Run the Football
A steamrolling line of seasoned steel With backs "o’plenty" superb in skill. When combined opponents are terrorized A run game as good as advertised. * Kyren! C’Bo! Jafar and Tyree!…
ND Football: Welcome to….The Covid Zone (redux)
Submitted for your approval…… A college football team, fresh off an impressive Saturday afternoon dismantling of another opponent, just hours later is struck a brutal, debilitating blow from an invisible…
Irish Have The Look Of A Team To Believe In
C'bo Flemister gained 127 yards on 13 carries. 52-0, last week the Irish demolished South Florida. 6 rushing TDs, 281 yards rushing, no turnovers, a 35-0 halftime lead, stifling defense………
Memories to Converge this Week at ND
Notre Dame and South Florida have only matched up one other time in history, and this week two ND memories will converge into an interesting story line as the Irish…
Football During a Pandemic? It’s Happened Before.
After the 1917 season an impressive five year run for the Irish ended when Jesse Harper retired as the Notre Dame head football coach. The reigns of the team were…
I’ll always Have 2019 (Part 2)
Part 1 highlighted a 6 decade love affair with the Fighting Irish, now find out why 2019 was so special. In the Spring of 2019 I resolved to go to…
I’ll always Have 2019 (Part 1)
A few days ago, it looked like it was all going to be gone. The dominoes were tumbling. Major conferences canceled Fall 2020 football. Now there is hope that some…
The COVID Zone
Submitted for your approval.... This world's most beautiful and perfect creation, college football played on idyllic fall days by academic institutions big and small all across the fruited plain gone,…